What Does This Generation Need? | Am I More Than The Color Of My Skin? | The Mister Brown Show Podcast

Thanks for joining us, and welcome to another episode of The Mister Brown Show! In this episode I am going to answer two questions I was asked by a girl named Sarah. She was doing research for a book she is writing, but I wanted to answer the questions here as well. 

Question #1: 

I was recently meeting with a friend of mine when a girl named Sarah asked if she could ask a few questions for the book she is writing.  We answered her questions and I gave her my card. I am not sure if she will reach out once the book is finished, but either way, the questions made me think and I want to share them here. 

Her first question was: 

“What do you think this generation needs?” 

I thought about it for a minute in order to give her a thoughtful reply and not just a “young people nowadays need to…” answer. My answer was that this generation [and all generations] need a foundation. A purpose.  Our purpose stems from our foundation.  

Now, I am not trying to be all religious or ‘churchy’, but I truly think we need a foundation in God.  

Growing up we started to hear about this idea of ‘Relativism.’ The idea that “your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth.” I remember thinking to myself, “that will never work.” And now, we are starting to see the fruit of this mentality in today’s generation. This type of thinking has entered almost every arena of our lives. You see it in government, education, politics, social justice, etc… Everybody gets to make their own definitions in order to support “their truth.” Everybody’s truth is their truth and truth as we know it is now relative. 

I am not trying to be divisive. I simply am trying to encourage conversation and discuss where we are today. 

Here's the deal. When I was younger, there was a general sense of morality. There was an understanding of certain things you just did and didn’t do. For example, “Yes sir/ma’am” and “Yes sir/ma’am.” Even in the hood! Even in the hood there was an understanding of what you did and didn’t do. For example, guys would be gambling on the street when an older lady would walk up.  They would immediately stand up straight, put whatever it was behind their back, nod, and say “ma’am.” They respected her as she walked down the street. Nowadays, they would rob her! We live in a society where there is generally no morality and conscience.  

Now, I am not trying to be religious. I personally think that religion is man's attempt to reach God. I believe that Christianity is God reaching down to us.  I have a solid foundation in God.  I may not always make the best choices, but I always have my foundation to look back on. I can always turn to my foundation to see my purpose.

I also want to say that it is not “just this generation.” Our society is based on the mentality of the moment and what “feels good in the moment.” I talk to so many students who realize that this moment mentality is just not worth it. It is not worth them waking up with hangovers and wondering where they were and what they did last night.  So many people are searching for their purpose, their foundation. 

We have to ask ourselves, “Why am I here?”, “Where am I going?”, and “What is my purpose?” 

It is so important to have a foundation. When you don’t have a foundation, you are tossed every which way by every passing wave.  We all need a foundation. And I believe that foundation is found in God. 

Question #2: 

“How do you know you are walking in your true identity… as a black man?”

As I mentioned, I was meeting with a friend when Sarah asked me these questions, so I had him answer them too.  After he had answered this question, I started by saying that I don’t find my identity in my blackness. My identity is found in Jesus Christ. My blackness is temporary, but my faith is eternal. 

I believe there is a lot of identity politics going on in our country. However, I am a person, first and foremost. I do not function based on my skin color.  I am more than my blackness, and I am even more than gender. I am a human being, created in the image of God, and that is where my identity is found. 

I don't want to be known as a great black speaker. I want to be known as a great speaker! I think we are diminished sometimes by being put into all these categories. I don't want to be in a category. 

Now, just because something has a problem with it, does not mean we throw it out.  Marriages, relationships, and families all have problems, however we don’t just toss those to the side because of a problem.  I have been overseas and it has been great, but I would never want to live there. We have a lot of freedoms here in America.  I am not saying we don’t have problems here, because we do, but like I said earlier, we all have problems! 

I don’t function based on my skin color. I am Mister Brown. I am a follower of Christ, a husband, a father, and a motivational speaker. 


Those were two questions I was asked recently, and I would love to know your thoughts! What did you think? How would you have answered those two questions? 

If you enjoyed this episode, please like, subscribe, and share this podcast! You can also check out my YouTube channel or find me on social media! 

Choose well.

Oh Yeah!


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