Why Talk About These Topics? Aren’t They Divisive? | The Mister Brown Show Introduction Episode
Everyone’s influence has an expiration date.
I heard a quote once which stated: “Everyone’s influence has an expiration date.” I have decided I don’t want to waste mine! Through my re-launched podcast I want to take advantage of my God-given voice and speak up. Let’s focus on “Real Talk, Real Life, Real Choices,” because my ideas can lead to better ideas through other people and conversations. We all have spheres of influence and it is up to you to determine how you will use that influence. You can’t control your options or your circumstances, but you can choose how you respond! When you make better choices, you will live a better life. So choose well. Oh yeah!
How Many People Does It Take To Make a Difference?
I believe it only takes one person. However, you have to be willing to speak up, do something about it, and share your ideas. Making a difference starts by standing up. Through my re-launched podcast I will be entering the conversation on all things political. Not for the sake of “being political” or talking about politics, but because everything in our world has become political. Politics have entered education, entertainment, family, our relationships, and the list goes on. I don’t want to be right for the sake of being right. I can agree with people on both sides of the aisle if they make a great point. If someone has a great idea, you can support that without supporting the individual’s entire life philosophy. We have to stop making things so divisive.
Can We Have A Conversation?
Sometimes we make all of these declarations and then we can’t find the best solutions because we are constantly fighting each other. We are all wrong at some point in our life. Experts can even be wrong, and they are sometimes, because they are fallible human beings! We need to acknowledge others' humanity, as well as our own humanity. Let’s start talking about making better choices. Because when you make better choices, you will live a better life. So choose well. Oh yeah!